Minggu, 10 Juni 2012


1.1 Background of the problem 

Exploration of the noble culture of the nation's wealth is very necessary to be done, as well as efforts to scrutinize relevant existence with the inevitability of cultural change. Space exploration and assessment local knowledge into its own demands for institutional development philosophy and to explore the nation's cultural treasures in general

 In the dictionary sense, local knowledge (local wisdom) consists of two words of wisdom (wisdom) and local (local). In Indonesia John English Dictionary M. Echols and Hassan Syadily, local means local, while the wisdom (wisdom) equals wisdom. In general, the local wisdom (local wisdom) can be understood as local ideas (local) who is wise, full of wisdom, well worth it, the embedded and followed by members of the community.

 Local Genius as Local Wisdom In the discipline of anthropology known local term genius. These local genius The first is a term first introduced by Quaritch Wales. the anthropologist discusses at length the sense of this local genius (see Ayatrohaedi, 1986). Among others, said that local Soebadio Haryati genius is also cultural identity, the identity / personality of the nation's cultural cause it is able to absorb and process the foreign culture according to its own character and abilities (Ayatrohaedi, 1986:18-19). while Moendardjito (in Ayatrohaedi, 1986:40-41) said that cultural elements potential areas for local genius for having proven its ability to survived until now. Its features are:
 1. able to survive against foreign cultures
2. have the ability to accommodate the elements of foreign cultures
3. have the ability to integrate elements of foreign cultures into theThe original culture
4. have the ability to control5. able to give direction to the development of culture

.I Ketut Gobyah in "Building on Local Wisdom" in http://www.balipos.co.id, downloaded 17/9/2003, said that local knowledge (localgenius) is a truth that has been mentradisi or steady in an area.Local knowledge is a blend of the sacred values of God's word andrange of values that exist. Local knowledge is formed as a culture of excellencelocal people and geography in a broad sense. Local wisdomis a product of past cultures that should constantly bea handle on life. Although the local value but the value contained init is considered very universal.S. Swarsi Geriya in "Digging for the steady Bali Local Wisdom" inIun, http://www.balipos.co.id say that conceptually, wisdomlocal and local excellence is a lean man of wisdomthe philosophy of values, ethics, and behavior in ways that are institutionalizedtraditional. Local knowledge is a value that is considered good and right so thatcan survive for a long time and even institutionalized.In the explanation of 'urf, Mind published March 6, 2003explained that about something is to have wisdom wisdom (al-'Addah al-ma'rifah), as opposed to al-' al-jahiliyyah addah. Wisdomcustomary understood as everything that is based on common knowledge and is recognizedand considered both by the terms of religion.Customs basically tested by nature and certainly worthwell, because the habit is an act of repeated socialand having reinforcement (reinforcement). If an action is notwell regarded by the people then he would not have strengthened theconstantly. Movement naturally occur voluntarily because theyeither or contain goodness. Custom which is not good will happen only ifcoercion by the authorities there. If so then it does not grownatural but forced.

1.2 Problem Formulation 
1. how to market local wisdom culture in Palembang, South Sumatra

1.3 Aim of Study 
1.To find out how to market local widom in Palembang, South Sumatra

Chapter II 
Palembang is the capital city of the South Sumatra province in Indonesia. Palembang is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia, and has a history of being a capital of a maritime empire. Located on the Musi River banks on the east coast of southern Sumatra island, it has an area of 400.61 square kilometres and a population of 1,441,500. Palembang is the second-largest city in Sumatra after Medan and the seventh-largest city in Indonesia. The city has hosted the 26th edition of Southeast Asian Games on 11 to 22 November 2011 along with Jakarta. It was formerly the capital city of the Kingdom of Srivijaya, a powerful Malay kingdom, which influenced much of Southeast Asia. The earliest evidence of its existence dates from the 7th century; a Chinese monk, I-Tsing, wrote that he visited Srivijaya in the year 671 for 6 months. The first inscription in which the name Srivijaya appears also dates from the 7th century, namely the Kedukan Bukit Inscription around Palembang in Sumatra, dated 683. Palembang landmarks include the Ampera bridge and the Musi River, the latter of which divides the city into two, Seberang Ilir to the north and Seberang Ulu to the south. The Seberang Ilir is Palembang's economic and cultural centre and the Seberang Ulu is its political centre.

Tourism and recreations
 1 Musi River, about 750 km along the river which divides the city into two parts, namely Palembang Seberang Ulu and Ilir opposite is the longest river in Sumatra. Since the first of the Musi River has become the economic lifeblood and the city of Palembang in South Sumatra Province. Along the banks of the river there are many attractions like the Ampera Bridge, Fort Religious Tourism, Museum of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, Kemaro Island, 16 Ilir Market, home Raft, Pertamina's oil refineries, fertilizer plants PUSRI, beach Good Yellow, Musi II Bridge, Al Munawar Mosque, etc..
2 Ampera Bridge, a magnificent bridge which crossed over 1177 meters above the Musi River that connects the area and Seberang Ulu Seberang Ilir Palembang is a city icon. The bridge was built in 1962 and was built using the spoils of Japan and Japanese experts.
 3 Great Mosque of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Palembang, Palembang is located in downtown, this mosque is the largest mosque in South Sumatra with a capacity of 15,000 pilgrims.
 4.Benteng Kuto Besak, situated on the banks of the Musi River and adjacent to Ampera Bridge, this fort is one of the Palembang Darussalam Sultanate of heritage buildings. Inside the fort there are the health office II Sriwijaya Military Command and hospitals. This fortress is the only fort in Indonesia and the stone-walled fortress eligible / defense that was built at his own expense for purposes of defense from enemy attack Europeans and not a hero named Europe.
 5. Mayor's Office Building, located in downtown, at first this building serves as a water tower because it serves to drain the water throughout the city so well known as the Office of Plumbing. Today this building serves as the Office of the Mayor of Palembang and there are spotlights on top of buildings that beautify the face of the city at night.
6. Kambang Iwak Family Park, a lake situated in the tourist center of town, close to Palembang mayor's residence. On the banks of this lake there are many families and recreation arena crowded on holidays. Also in the middle of this lake there is a fountain that looks beautiful at night.
7. Punti Kayu Tourism Forest, a tourist jungle city located about 6 miles from the city center with an area of 50 ha and since 1998 designated as protected forests. In this forest there is a family recreation area and a local shelter a group of monkeys: long-tail macaque (Macaca fascicularis) and monkey (Macaca nemistriana) under the Sumatran Pine wood (Pinus mercussi).
 8. Srivijaya archaeological park, the remnants of Sriwijaya site located on the banks of the River Musi. There is an inscription and stone relics, complex of ancient pond, artificial island and canals dated from the Srivijayan kingdom in this area. The Srivijaya Museum is located in this complex.
 9. Bukit Seguntang archaeological park, located in the hills west of Palembang city. In this place there are many relics and tombs of the ancient Malay-Srivijayan king and nobles.
10. People's Struggle Monument, located in downtown, adjacent to the Great Mosque and Ampera Bridge. As its name in this building there are relics of history in the colonial period.
11 Balaputradewa Museum, a museum that holds many objects - relics of Sriwijaya.
12 Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum, located near the Bridge and Fort Ampera Religious Tourism and former royal palace is one of the relics of Palembang Darussalam. It poses a lot of objects - objects historic city of Palembang.
13 Textile Museum, located on Merdeka Street museum keeps objects of textiles from all regions in South Sumatera Province.
14 Tengkurep Crater
15 Cheng Ho Mosque Palembang
16 Kampung Kapitan
17 Arab village
18 Songket Craft Centre
 19Kemaro island
20 Sungaigerong


Since ancient times, Palembang has been a cosmopolitan port city which absorbs neighboring, as well as foreign, cultures and influences. The influences and cultures of coastal Malay, inland Minangkabau, Javanese, Indian, Chinese, and Arab, has created a rich Palembang culture. Throughout its history, Palembang has attracted migrants from other regions in the archipelago, and has made this city as a multi-cultural city. Although today the city had lost its function as the major port city in the archipelago, the remnants of its heyday still evident in its culture. Most of its population was then adopted the culture of coastal Malays and Javanese. Even now it can be seen in its culture and language. Word such as "wong (person)" is an example of Javanese loanword in Palembang language. Also the Javanese knight and noble honorific titles, such as Raden Mas or Raden Ayu is used by Palembang nobles, the remnant of Palembang Sultanate courtly culture. The tombs of the Islamic heritage was not different in form and style with Islamic tombs in Java.

 Art and culture of Palembang, among others:
 1Art Dul Muluk (traditional drama performances Palembang)
2 Traditional Palembang dances such as Gending Sriwijaya, Tanggai and Tapak Tiga dances are usually held in wedding reception or performed to welcome and honor the guests.
3 Regional Songs such as Dek Sangke, Cuk Mak Ilang, Pempek Lenjer, and Ribang Kemambang 4Traditional House of Palembang is Limas House and House Raft
5Ornamental boat festival and competition in the River Musi bidar
Palembang also holds a variety of festivals every year, among them, "Sriwijaya Festival", held in June to commemorate Palembang's anniversary, Bidar and Ornamental Boat Festival celebrate Independence Day, and various festivals commemorating the Islamic New Year, Month of Ramadan, and New Year's Day.

Chapter III 
 based on the above explanation of the history, culture and tourism, it can be concluded that the way to market local wisdom in Palembang is with exploring Palembang cultures and also to promote tourism in Palembang, with such local wisdom in Palembang could be in the know and can attract tourists to visit palembang.

Dimas Bayudira